ha. ha.

so it took me more than a year to figure this thing out. i feel stupid, really. it's simple things like this that i fail to understand. i don't think blog publishing can get any simpler than blogger.com and/or diaryland.com yet i have never got around to figuring out the whole shebang. -_- i shall now comfort myself with the thought that i know how to refurbish real diaries with ribbons and tissue paper and a whole load of pva glue. if that doesn't make me feel smarter, i don't know what will.
ok... i'm just kidding around.
next up: figure out how to link other people's journal and put up userpics.
i suck.
online journal count: most probably 8
online journal actually used: one. ok, three if you include this one which i would most probably forget that i own.
contemplated on whether to tweak journal codes and decided that i have better things to do like... gee... brushing my teeth and going to bed. maybe later when i'm REALLY enthused. then perhaps i'll even put up the new website i've been meaning to create.
i'm feeling sickly and it's been a while since i have anything to say that can beat "i feel like frizzy hair. i'm there but i'm all over". it makes one wonder what i was on back then and what i'm on right now. and frankly, i kinda miss being that melancholic little cynic.

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