balloons are pretty from afar

sometimes it's not that i forget. it's just that i can't be arsed. case in point this journal here. i ain't feelin' it, yo. *flashes finger signs for effect*

but anyway, just for kicks...

i got a new fish today. haven't named it yet but i'm picking up bully vibes from it. it picks on the older one. c'mon! stand up for yourself you bug-eyed uh... fish. yeah.. it's sort of difficult to talk about them when they don't have names.

i think i'm starting to have intimacy issues again. -_- no no. i meant in the sense of getting to be better friends with someone of the opposite sex. *sigh* i do NOT even want to go there and psychoanalyse it all over again. THAT was a waste of time.

yesterday, there was a clown. he wore old ronald mcDonald's shoes [oh yeah. i know it from a mile away. you guys got it on discount from an old mcdonald's restaurant didn't you?] and a Mambo shirt with pissed drunk kangaroo, emu and koala passed out under an eucalyptus tree. and emblazoned on the back of his shirt is the australian emblem, Mambo-ed of course. with a drunk emu and kangaroo framing a can of Mambo Bitter instead of the good old australian emblem thingy that usually goes in the middle. pretty decent shirt to be wearing around kids yes? but he was cute. told me i had to pay if i was going to take a picture of him. bad makeup though.

yeah... that's about it. until the next time i run out of other stuff to do online and end up here again, ta.

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