frere jacques, dormez vous?

one should not untie shoelaces or undo presents because you can never put them back exactly the way they used to be.

still, i'm strangely awake and happy despite everything. i sit and listen to music without listening to the lyrics. there is no point in unbuilding some things sometimes. they look better in their plastic shrinkwrap. perfect.

Daily Forecast for March 11, 2005

It's just your nature to wonder. But when you do too much of it, it can easily turn to obsession. Keeping that in mind, could it be time to stop worrying if there was a deeper meaning behind that comment a loved one recently made? You're a natural-born detective, but some clues just aren't worth following. And some folks aren't clever enough to insert an actual 'meaning' into everything they say.

you SEE... even the horoscopes agree with me.

hanging out with someone, you'll end up finding out things you didn't quite expect you'd want to know. whether that's a good thing or not, i'm still not quite sure. i need to be awake to let it all sink in. i think it makes a slight [only slight] difference if the person you've been hanging out with, who tells you that you're best friends is the same person you have a crush on. O.o hmm... did i say that out loud? at least now i do not have to worry about being self conscious around you because you've just said the magic words. i don't know. it's just a little strange right now. but it's cool though, i'd love to be best friends with you. you make me laugh so. i just have one question for you. why me?

i just realised that you have seen me in situations even my best friend of 13 years has not. it'll be our little secret.

the bed beckons. thanks for waking me up at 4 am just to ask if i'm awake. you really DO rock, you know. -_o

time to wake up frere jacques. things are just the way they are supposed to be. do not ask questions.

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