tobacco pixie stix electrical tape

the last time i had pixie stix, i was a six-year-old scientist with einstein's hairdo. i ended up with glasses of colored sugared water sitting before me on the table while i munched slowly on my Wonka Mudsludge and orange chocolate. and i would be up for more than 2 days, watching the blinds of my bedroom window turn a billion shades of blue as day became night became day became night... and i would crash for the whole day only to wake up in time for roast chicken dinner and repeat the whole process again. ... just reminiscing the times spent studying abroad.

was out for the night with a bunch of colleagues. most amusing experience. firstly, the place we went to wasn't the sort of place that we'd have normally gone to. heck, we [well, at least i didn't] didn't even know it existed despite having been around that area so many times. waited out the live music [which was pretty good] and the girls were dancing their hearts out when the dj started playing and i got to sit around and be quizzed about the most random things around. e.g. what's the address of the white house? what does PVC stand for? what are the five prehistoric humans? how did hitler lose the war? what does BMW stand for? why did taiwan separate from china? who baptised jesus? lmao word of advice, if anyone ever asks where sadism came from, do not give the right answer. look where it got me. hours of quizzing and poking at my flaws [i have boring hairdo hahah] and complexes. still, it was pretty amusing. and add like 8 glasses [oh, it's not just glasses... it's highball glasses] of alcohol to all that and it feels pretty much like a back to school nightmare. lol the guy said that he was pretty impressed that i could answer most of his questions, wondered aloud if i really am a psycho because of the books i read and the movies i watch, told me i'm shallow despite my intelligence because i have a socialising problem, told me it's getting irritating that i can answer his questions and said that i'm an oddity. gee. like. thanks a lot. not.

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