boop boop bee doo

i can't get through the book a friend lent me. it's incredibly light reading but i just feel like i'm robbed of time. :P don't tell her i said that though. it's just not my kind of lifestyle, whatever this book is written about.

i need to cry but i can't. i so totally need that bottle of absolut vanilla james bought the other day. drink it all down and perhaps i'll finish crying where i left off last year.

on a lighter note, i get tomorrow, saturday and sunday off. on a not so light note, i'm sort of broke and not entirely in the mood to enjoy the weekend.

when someone has a tendency to forget what they say, you have a tendency to not believe a word they say after a while. yeah sure... i forget things too, but if it's things that really matters to you, you'd at least have an inkling that you professed all those sentiments and ideas in the first place. but then again, things have always been slightly weird where we're concerned. it's like an unexplainable painting that you'd have to see and experience and no definitions, descriptions and hoity toity criticism can do it justice. and i mean that in a good way and a bad way. how good and how bad? think extreme ends of the spectrum. i think i just care too much. emo dumbass.

language barriers fucking sucks. i've been feeling like a monkey being thrown into a pig pen for the longest time. adaptation is inevitable. i'll be a pink monkey with a snout soon enough. i hope.

they've found jube. she's safe but unfortunately, she's a little ... distracted. i just hope all goes well. i'm just extremely relieved that she's alive and well and not floating face down in some duckpond. no seriously. she's been talking so much about the ducks in the park before she disappeared that i kinda got worried that she might just i dunno... do something that she shouldn't do. :(

ah i'm going to hail sleep like i'd hail a cab. it'd be the only way i'll get any sleep right now. perhaps if i read a few more pages of that book... :P